Argonian Calendar Tablet


Venturing into the mysterious swamplands of Black Marsh, I sought to unravel the secrets hidden within the heart of the Argonian homeland. Guided by ancient scrolls and the cryptic tales of local tribes, I delved deep into the treacherous depths of Murkmire, where the air was thick with the scent of humidity and the echoes of distant croaks.

In the heart of a concealed xanmeer, lost to time and overgrown with thick vines, I stumbled upon an enigmatic chamber. Illuminated by the soft glow of bioluminescent flora, the chamber harbored a trove of forgotten relics. Amidst the moss-covered artifacts lay an Argonian calendar tablet, intricately carved with symbols that spoke of a connection to the cycles of Nirn and the Argonian way of life.

The tablet, fashioned from smooth stone, bore the telltale marks of Argonian craftsmanship. It was a profound artifact, revealing the symbiotic relationship between the Argonians and the natural rhythms of their homeland.

Carefully extracting the calendar tablet from its resting place, I felt the weight of ancient wisdom in my hands. It was more than a mere relic; it was a tangible link to the spiritual and temporal aspects of Argonian culture.

News of my discovery spread among scholars and historians, drawing them to the depths of Murkmire in search of the elusive calendar tablet. The artifact became a symbol of cultural richness and temporal understanding, inspiring a renewed appreciation for the Argonian way of life among those who dared to explore the untamed beauty of Tamriel's southern swamplands.

You will receive 1 3D Printed tablet.

Dimensions: 6” x 6”

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This fan art was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from game, and it is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft or any other entity. This is only fan art, it is not intended to represent officially. Model from Silverrend Props, Patreon Merchant Tier.